Comments on: Introductory post essays on urban studies Mon, 28 Feb 2011 11:39:58 -0600 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Anonymous Fri, 03 Mar 2006 07:57:00 +0000 This kind of informal global forum is exactly what is needed to freely exchange ideas. I have recently graduated from Berkeley and I am now conducting urban planning research at Tongji University (Shanghai, China). Due to a relatively tight control of information and a different education system (professor-student relationship) in China, it can be difficult to openly exchange ideas, and I hope that I can contribute, learn and ask questions on this site. This kind of informal global forum is exactly what is needed to freely exchange ideas. I have recently graduated from Berkeley and I am now conducting urban planning research at Tongji University (Shanghai, China). Due to a relatively tight control of information and a different education system (professor-student relationship) in China, it can be difficult to openly exchange ideas, and I hope that I can contribute, learn and ask questions on this site.

By: Anonymous Anonymous Wed, 22 Feb 2006 02:28:00 +0000 Great, a blog on planning research is a truly welcome addition to the blogosphere.<br/> <br/>There need not be any conflict between peer-reviewed research and discussions in your blog -- perhaps it's best just to discuss research that has already been published in peer-reviewed journals, yours and other scholars. Although this may limit the discussion, it will avoid any conflicts or publication issues. Great, a blog on planning research is a truly welcome addition to the blogosphere.

There need not be any conflict between peer-reviewed research and discussions in your blog — perhaps it’s best just to discuss research that has already been published in peer-reviewed journals, yours and other scholars. Although this may limit the discussion, it will avoid any conflicts or publication issues.
